The focus this year is the development and the cascading of Klimatkontrakt 2030 – the Swedish climate city contract. We are honoured by the presence of many key actors in the climate transition in cities, who will share their experiences and aspirations for the next steps towards the mission in Sweden and Europe. We are proud to present Matthew Baldwin as the keynote speaker. He is the deputy general director, European Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, as well as head of the EU Mission Climate neutral cities 2030 – by and for citizens.
The first Swedish contracts were signed by nine city mayors and the director generals from four government agencies last year and it is already cascading, on a local level as well as on a European level. Today, one year later, Viable Cities is working together with 23 Swedish cities and five government agencies to accelerate the climate transition. On Dec 8 2021, Swedish cities and Swedish government agencies will sign a revised and more ambitious Klimatkontrakt 2030. The event will be followed by an informal reception 15.00–16.00.
We are looking forward to seeing you at Europahuset on European Viable Cities Day 2021.
Christian Danielsson |
Olga Kordas |
- hållbar utveckling
- onsdag 8 december 2021, kl. 13.00 - 15.00 (CET)
- Stockholm, Sverige
Praktisk information
- När
- onsdag 8 december 2021, kl. 13.00 - 15.00 (CET)
- Var
- EuropahusetRegeringsgatan 65, 11156 Stockholm, Sverige
- Språk
- engelska
- Webbplats
- Till Facebookeventet
- Social media links
13.00 Welcome
Christian Danielsson, Head of the European Commission’s representation in Sweden, and Cecilia Schelin Seidegård and Anders Wijkman, chair and deputy chair, Viable Cities
13.10 The EU mission 100 climate neutral cities by 2030 – by and for citizens
Matthew Baldwin, deputy general director, European Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport
13.25 Celebration of Viable Cities Champions
13.30 International perspectives on accelerating climate transition in cities
Julio Lumbreras, CitiES 2030, and former member of the EU Mission Board for Climate Neutral Cities, and Thomas Osdoba, Net Zero Cities
13.45 Klimatkontrakt 2030 (Climate City Contract 2030) – Ceremony of signing
Introduction by Olga Kordas, Programme Director Viable Cities.
The Mayors of the 23 cities:
Ulf Olsson, Mayor of Borås
Jan Bohman, Mayor of Borlänge
Peter Book, Mayor of Enköping
Jimmy Jansson, Mayor of Eskilstuna
Åsa Wiklund-Lång, Mayor of Gävle
Axel Josefson, Mayor of Göteborg
Peter Danielsson, Mayor of Helsingborg
Emma Feldman, Mayor of Järfälla
Johan Persson, Mayor of Kalmar
Per-Samuel Nisser, Mayor of Karlstad
Pierre Månsson, Mayor of Kristianstad
Niklas Borg, Mayor of Linköping
Philip Sandberg, Mayor of Lund
Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh, Mayor of Malmö
Johan Abrahamsson, Mayor of Mariestad
Mats Gerdau, Mayor of Nacka
Lorents Burman, Mayor of Skellefteå
Anna König Jerlmyr, Mayor of Stockholm
Hans Lindberg, Mayor of Umeå
Erik Pelling, Mayor of Uppsala
Anna Tenje, Mayor of Växjö
Kenneth Handberg, Mayor of Örebro
Bosse Svensson, Mayor of Östersund
The Director Generals:
Robert Andrén, the Swedish Energy Agency
Darja Isaksson, Vinnova
Ingrid Petersson, Formas
Gunilla Nordlöf, the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth
Lena Erixon, the Swedish Transport Administration (TBC)
13.55 The way ahead – The Swedish cities
The Mayors about their plans ahead
14.40 The way ahead – The national perspective
Director Generals from The Swedish Energy Agency, Vinnova, Formas and the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth.
14.55 Final words
Cecilia Schelin Seidegård, Chair Viable Cities, and Christian Danielsson, Head of the European Commission’s representation in Sweden